Chicken knife Distribution centers in 2021

You may have come across these knives when you want to buy chicken and fish while in super protein. This type of knife is used only in super proteins and industrial restaurants, and is not used much in ordinary homes and kitchens. Known as the brood knife, this knife has a variety of uses. Visit our site for more information on Chicken Knife Distribution centers in 2021.

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Chicken knife Distribution centers in 2021

Different types of Chicken knife

Different types of Chicken knife One of the applications for cleaning chicken and fish in super proteins can be mentioned. When you buy the right chicken and tell the seller to cut the chicken into different pieces and clean the chicken and fish, the seller usually does this with these types of knives. You can even use this knife to prepare steaks and grilled chicken in industrial restaurants. The total length of this product is 35 cm, and the production and manufacturing process is completely manual and traditional. The blade is made of 80crv2 steel, the handle is made of brass alloy and the handle is made of black bone fiber.

This incubator has a blade thickness of 6mm, which is the standard thickness for these applications. The creator of this work is Master Gholami, the quality of this knife is suitable and presented for you to buy. The total length of such knives is usually over 25 cm. The blade length of this hatching knife, which is very useful for chefs, butchers and super protein, is 22.5 cm. The steel material used for the blade is 80crv2 steel with a thickness of 6mm. 80crv2 steel is an excellent choice for such a knife. This knife may not be used much at home, but in restaurants, butchers and super protein, this knife can be worked for hours.

The length of the blade will fit perfectly and meet your needs. The blade style is completely flat and the tip is semicircular and not sharp. It can be used to chop mutton and veal, but in no way do we emphasize breaking the bone with the sharp side of veal and mutton.

If 80crv2 steel should always be away from moisture and liquids, and you have no other choice and are in a place where there is constant moisture and liquids, it is better to wet both sides of the blade with a small amount of paraffin oil. To prevent rusting The blade prevents water, liquids and stains from getting in and staying on the blade, and your blade will no longer rust.

Of course, rusting of any steel is not a reason for it to be of poor quality, you should also pay attention to this point, because many very expensive or high quality steels will rust against moisture, which you can achieve full size with this method. this problem. avoid. Always wash the blade immediately after use, then dry and clean the blade with a soft, completely dry cloth, then grease and use the blade or store it wherever you want. For more information about chicken knife price, visit our site.

Distribution centers of Chicken knife

Distribution centers of Chicken knife Our company is one of the Distribution centers of Chicken knife and we distribute this product all over the country with suitable raw materials and good prices. Therefore, you can visit our site for more information about Chicken knife sale.

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